
Showing posts from June, 2024

Camp America: Start your Adventure, What to Expect and Why You'll Love It!

Imagine the thrill of embarking on an adventure that defies all your expectations – that's Camp America. It was nothing like I had anticipated, but it turned out to be the best experience I could have asked for. Of course, it has its highs and lows; that's inevitable. Spending three months in a new place with new people, juggling work (including looking after kids and animals in my case), making new friends, and trying to catch up on sleep is bound to be challenging. In this post, I'll share a taste of my own experience balancing counsellor life with amazing travel opportunities, along with a few tips on how to make the most of your adventure. Day-to-day life as a counsellor As a counsellor, I worked on a ranch in San Diego, California, for three months. My responsibilities varied from taking care of campers, running activities, and line dancing, to feeding and maintaining the animals. These included horses, a pig called 'Mini Muffin,' sheep, chickens, an alpaca, an